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About me

Have you ever had a dream?


So intense you can actually see it, hear it, feel it...Like the domesticity of your home but made for you, by you? Maybe a secret garden or a castle or successful business?


I bet you have and thus, I would really like to welcome you to my dream. My materialized dream.


It all started when I was four or maybe five years old and I discovered my interest in drawing, designing and redesigning my room, our living room, my father's car (with all possible shapes of decorative pillows and stickers).


Only after I finished my professional high school, specialized in forestry and landscape architecture, I focused all my energy on interior design and home optimization. This is where I was finally able to link my drawing and design passion with the newly obtained software and design skills.


Finally, the Master degree in Interior design, followed by Interior projects (part of which you can see here), became my driving force to even outrun my childhood dream and go towards the Doctor's degree, the real depths of the architecture and design and further development of my own creativity world.


Got a question or just want to say "Hello"? Please don't be a stranger and use the chat button or drop a line over my email.

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